Welcome to the website of KidSlumber Bedtime Stories where you will find the best modern bedtime stories for children of the 21st century.
Fairy tales from past centuries are often unsuitable as bedtime stories. They may be too long, too gruesome or contain inappropriate themes. Short of exhaustively reading and checking volumes of fairy tales for their suitability, length, and boredom factor, what can a parent do? The answer is to read a KidSlumber Bedtime Story that is suitable, moral and humorous.
Each short story is purpose-written as a bedtime story and takes about 10-12 minutes to read. Each story has humor, rhyme and usually a moral. In KidSlumber stories no-one dies, no child is abandoned by its parents, nor are the stories saccharine or babyish. Think Grimms’ Fairy Tales without the gore or Disney without the dark themes.
The stories are designed by the author, Pat Darcy, to encourage interaction between the child and the parent/reader, as each story contains some elements that are likely to be unfamiliar to the child, (as well as some elements to prevent the parent/reader from falling asleep). The stories are meant to be enjoyable for both the child and the reader rather than a chore for the reader.
How else are modern bedtime stories different from old fairy tales you may ask? Apart from the above differences, KidSlumber Bedtime Stories include female heroes, plenty of dad humor and modern family situations and settings, as well as classic themes (such as Prince & Princess) given a new twist.
KidSlumber stories are available from all major ebook stores in various digital formats, downloadable straight to your mobile device/e-reader/pc. The stories are ideal for back-lit devices, as a story can be read with the lights out, making it easier for the child to become sleepy.
For children 5-10+